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The town of East Gwillimbury in Ontario has a fast-growing population that is set to double by 2025, making growth management a priority. Moving forward, the town wants a strategically and fiscally responsible approach in order to make effective plans for the future that take its growing population into consideration.

East Gwillimbury needed to visualize, follow and document new developments to make informed decisions about the multiple services it provides to residents, such as parks, snow removal, security patrols and garbage collection.


Tailored support:

  • Coaching sessions on FME Desktop and FME Server using client data
  • Helping the client use the software independently

Consultation for:

  • Learning how to retrieve permitting data in CityView
  • Connecting permitting data with land registry data
  • Identifying the tools in place (ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Server) to create a web-based mapping application
  • Choosing how updates will be managed in the application
  • Picking the best method of automation given the context
  • Defining the automation variables


Pulling the most accurate data for permits and inspection in the CityView software suite was a key challenge of this project. Manually entering data increased the risk of error, and connections between the right database tables were complex. To get around these obstacles, we worked together with a CityView expert and implemented an automated system to identify and correct data-entry errors.


The project broke down barriers and opened up access to critical information regarding the town’s development. It also significantly improved confidence in data and decision making.

The result is an internal platform that enables:

  1. Email notifications for anything related to permitting
  2. A clear progress report for all steps that also supplies data to the management dashboard
  3. Email reports to staff members from whom actions or decisions are required


With FME, we are now able to extract, transform and load our data, automate our processes and provide information to people who need it. Consortech’s experts helped us make all this possible. They know how to make our ideas a reality!

Carolynne Saxton

GIS Coordinator, Town of East Gwillimbury


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Learn about the advantages of Consortech “boutique” services and take your organization to another level