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The FME World Tour is back this spring and will be held virtually! While Safe Software held its virtual event on April 5th and 6th, 2022, Consortech will also be on hand presenting two webinars on May 11th and June 7th.

In addition to our special session on geospatial performance, don’t miss the grand unveiling of the winners of the 2022 Consortech Awards of FME Excellence who will have the chance to proudly present their winning projects.

Journey to Geospatial Performance with FME

Implementing a Geospatial Performance Improvement Strategy provides a solid foundation for delivering innovative new solutions to stakeholders and increasing the reach of GIS departments and geospatial data.

In addition to defining the concept, use cases will be presented where automation has minimized time-consuming and tedious tasks and where integration has allowed for the combination of sources (geospatial and non-geospatial) to break down silos and create new opportunities.

2022 Consortech Awards of FME Excellence

Find out who the winners of the 2022 Awards of FME Excellence are. Be inspired by innovative projects carried out with FME!


Best Small Efficiency-Boosting Project: Town of Mono, Ontario

Automating parcel data update into ArcGIS Online

Zdravko Jakop presented this project, which impressed the jury with its resourceful and surprisingly simple solution using only desktop and SaaS technologies—a smart, realistic approach considering the tools available to many small to medium municipal governments. This project also stood out in adding a mapping component to a kind of software used by all municipalities: real property and property tax management software.

On a more technical note, we loved how Zdravko managed to automate the syncing of ArcGIS parcel layers with the property information on Keystone Complete, and then make the results available on cloud-based application ArcGIS Online. Just like that, he saved the City between 30 and 45 minutes of menial work a week, and his colleagues now have easy access to updated and validated data in just a few clicks.

Best Automation Project: Public Services and Procurement Canada

Automating ticket management for national underground infrastructure

For this project, Philippe Palmer and Jean-François Leboeuf fully automated a critical process in protecting underground infrastructure. What convinced the jury was the range of technologies used (FME, FME Server, ArcGIS, Gallery App), how the solution can adapt to a range of input formats (each province’s One Call service uses its own format), and how it does all that with an impressive ROI: about 150 hours of work went into generating recurring gains of at least 400 hours a year.

In addition to making impressive time gains by eliminating manual tasks, the project minimizes the risk of error and significantly increases data accuracy. Not only that, but files from repositories on the FTP site are integrated in real time, 24/7. The information is centralized in a database that can be easily accessed at all times, both by operators and by decision makers. Decision makers also have access to detailed reports including historical data.

Best Outside of the Box Project: City of Longueuil, Quebec

Monitoring street lighting conversion to LED

Submitted by François Filion-Rouillier, this outside-the-box project made a great impression on the members of the jury—some even remarked they wouldn’t have thought of the idea themselves! We like that, besides being markedly original, the project integrates a great variety of technologies and that the automation developed for processing unique QR codes adds to the GIS by integrating the information in the Excel file specific to each street light. In addition, this new technique can be reused in future projects in similar contexts, including for processing data flows from the Internet of Things (IoT).

There’s a lot in this project to be impressed with, but the jury also noted that the use of well-integrated mobile technologies allows the City to monitor work progress in near real time and makes it unnecessary to send a supervisor out into the field. Given the current labour shortage, we hope this project will inspire many of our community members!