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Esri UC Toronto – Meetup

Come and enjoy a beer with the Consortech’s team during the Esri UC in Toronto. This is a great opportunity to learn how to leverage ESRI with FME while networking with your peers. Bring a friend, drinks are on us! 

NY GeoCon2019

This will be the first time Consortech will participate at this event, and we are excited to go as a Platinum Sponsor!

GeoAlberta 2019

For the first time this year, we will have a booth at the GeoAlberta 2019 conference!


An essential event in the field of geomatics, the Consortech team will be present again at GEOMTL 2019!

AGIC 2019 Symposium

Consortech is proud to be, for the third consecutive year, Gold Sponsor at the AGIC 2019 Symposium.