Discover how the Town of East Gwillimbury leveraged FME to process and automate data workflows from GeoTab to Esri’s Operations Dashboards and Power BI.
The goal: To give an updated view on operations in a relevant and timely manner.
So, let’s talk road operations and rewind to a success story with a treasure trove of insightful takeaways.
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Webinar host and participants presentation
At Consortech, Lesley MacKenzie leads the consulting team in optimizing the use of FME and ArcGIS, and accompanying clients towards geospatial performance.
Rob Halko, Information Management Lead at Town of East Gwillimbury, shares our passion for utilizing technology in creative and effective ways, to simplify workflows and produce cost-effective results for the municipal sector.
Bespatial Ontario, our host, is the premier geospatial and information non-profit organization in Ontario.
Rob and Leslie will present to us on how FME has been leveraged to produce and automate workflows from GeoTab to Esri’s operations dashboard and Power BI to give us an updated view on operations in a relevant and timely manner.
“It’s a great day to be doing this, because, as we record this webinar, it just started snowing in East Gwillimbury: so that’s exciting! We’re going to get a live view.”
Transcript from the webinar introduction
The Town of East Gwillimbury has our fleet equipped with smart devices. That’s more than just the GPS. We’re tracking, you know, speed, deceleration, plow status, salt status, and a little more detail than that.
And Geotab is the system that’s used to monitor operations, um, for all fleet management, but especially winter clearing. The capabilities are very excellent. But they’re not widely available across the town. There’s a lot there.
It’s very useful. But for us, the goal was: how can we make something that’s a little simpler and easier to share across the town? So we were requested to build a dashboard. There were some specific examples that we were pointed to and we, you know, we decided early and with cooperation from our road operations team that we didn’t want to redevelop what Geotab does.
The purpose is, let’s build something that’s for distributing the information in the simplest, quickest format possible. So Leslie’s here. We hired Concertech and there were two main objectives there. We upgraded our FME server environment and also worked on the logic to bring in the information from Geotab to our GIS.
And as you’ll see, there’s quite a variety of tools that are used here, and I would say that can seem like a bit much, but they’re all our standard tools that we’ve deployed as our standards at East Gwillimbury. So, for us, it’s in our comfort zone. The real highlight here is FME Server and its capabilities.
Leslie will be able to share more detail on the benefits of what we’ve deployed and how FME Server really drives the dashboard.